Friday, January 1, 2016

Click for December 13: What can we learn from Untamed Science? "You should be able to take a camera and tell a story..."

What does it take to be an educated person?
What do we expect from a person with a high school diploma?
1.  Communicate
2.  Cooperate
3.  Access and Analyze information
4.  Solve Problems (critical thinking)
5.  Start something.  Take the initiative and be an entrepreneur
6.  Adapt.  Are you agile and adaptable?  Can you innovate?  Is there another way to do something?
7.  Create.  Are you creative and can you use your imagination?
These are the seven survival skills that Tony Wagner identified.  you can read more at "tony wagner seven survival skills" (do the search)
Go here and listen at 10 seconds

Let's start with the first skill.  Communicate.  Most of us think about academic communication as "listening to lectures and writing papers."

You should also be able to take a camera and tell a story that will motivate others to act.

That's communication.  Can you move people with your words and with your skills as a video maker?

So, one of the products that some schools ask students to produce is a PORTFOLIO.  Studnets at High Tech High School 
put their schoolwork on public display.   You can do the same thing by learning how to create a blog, a website and then you put your essays and projects in full public view.

Here is an example

See the book about "how to make a video"

Here are excerpts from the Rob and Jonas book

What can you do today?  You can click and learn from the film makers on this video.

Click One:  Rob and Jonas

Everyone should be able to take a camera and tell a great story.

CLICK TWO:   How to Prevent losing your files

Get the poster

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